PUBLIC NOTICE new procedures for search notice

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PUBLIC NOTICE new procedures for search notice

Messagepar Jojo » dim. oct. 28, 2012 4:21 pm


New procedures for search notices

Because we have at heart your safety and the one of your parrot and because we also want to avoid people with bad intentions wanting to take advantage from the publication of certain private information regarding our search notices, At Perroquetsecours, we have decided to develop a new privacy policy effective as of January 01th 2012.

From now on, all personal information provided during a request for publication of a search notice, will be kept confidential by Perroquetsecours, unless we receive a written renunciation by email or via our submission form. People concerned may, however, publish the information themselves on our forum or on any other website, if they consider it necessary, but then Perroquetsecours cannot be held liable for any prejudice resulting therefrom.

Those who have information to communicate regarding one of our search notices, can do so via the original link when available or through our organization at:
Perroquetsecours will verify the origin and veracity of all information received and forward to the people concerned all information considered as relevant or that may lead to the reunion of a bird with its owner.

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