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Posté : mer. juil. 24, 2013 10:42 pm
par Jojo
Lisa Keelty
Environmental and Wildlife Technician
AFA Certified Aviculturist

Basic cage cleaning should be done daily and once a week a thorough wash down should be done of the grill, base, bars and soiled accessories. Paper is the best material to use for trays. Avoid using litters of any kind as they can promote bacterial and fungal growth, can obstruct the gizzard if ingested, mask dropping color and formation and can be expensive. Special soaps and disinfectants are not needed unless you house many birds, otherwise use a mild dish soap and rinse well. If you need to do a full disinfection of a cage a 10% solution of bleach works best but keep in mind that porous materials such as wood, leather and ropes cannot be disinfected and are best thrown out and replaced. Food and water bowls should be washed daily.