Date : April 06.18
Status : found
Species : amazon
Bird's name :
Distinguishing Characteristics :
Location, Country, State, Province, City : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Street, intersection, area : Dumaurier and Pinecest area
Band or microchip ID :
Details :
Contact name : Perroquetsecours
Contact phone : 450-567-8765
Contact email :
Original Listing URL : ... =3&theater
Listing from : Ottawa and Valley Lost Pet Network (Facebook)
Quote :
Picture or poster :This baby parrot was found April 6 2018 at dumaurier and pinecest area around 1030 1100 am. Call... the wildlife center on moodie drive nepean
Note : To ensure the return of this bird to its legitimate owner, we do not publish its picture. Only the owner can describe this bird accurately and specify any distinctive sign.
Perroquetsecours will automatically send to whom it may concern and as soon as possible, all information received as relevant that could lead to the reunion of this bird with its owner. Contact the original listing URL or contact Perroquetsecours at :
If this an urgent matter contact : 450-567-8765
Confidential Information : viewtopic.php?f=557&t=27173
To follow the bird's historic, visit the following URL : viewtopic.php?f=154&t=27172
The owner offering a reward does on its own initiative. Therefore, Perroquetsecours shall not be held responsible or liable for any payment regarding any reward offered or implied by anyone in any advertisements or articles published on its website or any other partner sites.