Report a bird form and poster template

-Vous trouverez ici un formulaire Demande de publication à remplir pour faire publier votre avis de recherche d’un perroquet perdu/trouvé/volé. Nous tâchons de mettre en ligne les formulaires reçus le plus rapidement possible, dans notre banque de données consultable dans la section Avis de recherche. Vous trouverez aussi un modèle d’affiche qui peut servir d'affiche à distribuer et à apposer un peu partout si vous perdez un oiseau et tous les autres formulaires disponibles.
-In this section, you’ll find the submission form to be completed to publish a lost/found/stolen parrot notice on our website. We try to add your completed form as quickly as possible to our database available for consultation in the Wanted Notices section. You’ll also find a poster template that can be completed and printed for distribution and/or posting and all the other webforms available.
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Report a bird form and poster template

Messagepar Jojo » dim. juil. 19, 2015 12:03 pm

Submission form for lost, stolen, found or sighted birds

To publish your search notice concerning a lost, found, stolen or sighted bird, we provide you with a simple and effective form.

Upon receiving it, we'll make sure to publish it as soon possible in the appropriated section.

To get to the submission form, click on the following link :

Poster template for lost, stolen, found or sighted birds

When you lose a bird, one of the essential steps of the search process is to create a poster that you can distribute in your neighborhood, in veterinary clinics and pet stores. We also provide you with a poster template that you can inspire yourself.

To download the poster template, click on the following link:
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