-Témoignages de gens touchés par cette cause qu'est celle des oiseaux perdus/trouvés/volés. Cette section est également réservée aux gens qui auraient des remerciements à faire aux bénévoles de ce site, qui auraient mené aux retrouvailles de propriétaires d'oiseaux entre autres.
-Testimonies of people affected by this cause involving lost/found/stolen birds. This section is also reserved for people who would like to thank the volunteers who have led to bird owners reunion among others.
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Enregistré le : mer. juin 16, 2010 10:37 pm
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Messagepar Jojo » lun. nov. 22, 2021 10:23 pm

I was out on a walk the other day and came across a strange bird that I did not recognize. As I got closer to investigate, I realized that it must be someone's lost pet, and shortly after that, the bird flew right onto my shoulder! I turned around and headed back home with my new passenger. It was a mild day for November, but I was still concerned that the poor bird would be cold.

As soon as I got home, I alerted my friends and as many people as I could think of that I had found a lost bird, and eventually, this led me to Perroquetsecours. With their help, I was able to reunite the lost bird and their owners! It took many phone calls and around 2 hours in total -- due to allergies and the fact that I have none of the equipment needed for taking care of a bird, I was stuck in my home's entryway the whole time! -- but it was all worth it in the end.

Dusty is a very sweet bird and I hope she lives a long, happy life with her owners. I'll even forgive her for pooping all over my coat!

- Shane.

Présidente Perroquetsecours

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