-Témoignages de gens touchés par cette cause qu'est celle des oiseaux perdus/trouvés/volés. Cette section est également réservée aux gens qui auraient des remerciements à faire aux bénévoles de ce site, qui auraient mené aux retrouvailles de propriétaires d'oiseaux entre autres.
-Testimonies of people affected by this cause involving lost/found/stolen birds. This section is also reserved for people who would like to thank the volunteers who have led to bird owners reunion among others.
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Enregistré le : mer. juin 16, 2010 10:37 pm
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Messagepar Jojo » lun. avr. 17, 2023 9:45 pm

Our bird, Sapphire went missing at around 11:45am on Sunday April 16th. We quickly went to every Facebook group for communities in our area and also specifically for lost and found pets and posted. We also reached out to Perroquet Secours who made us an INCREDIBLE poster with all of the information needed, which is what we used for all of our Facebook posts as well. People sprang to action quickly, commenting, sharing, giving tips on what to do (leave the cage out with food they like, walk around calling her name, play the breed’s bird sounds on your phone, etc.). After 24 hours we were feeling pretty defeated. I was still going out and walking the streets about every 2 hours, but it felt pointless. At around 3pm on the Monday, April 17th, someone messaged me privately on Facebook telling me that they see my bird, sent me a photo, and gave me the address. They waited until I got there and pointed her out and my god, it was her! She was hiding under a gutter because it was raining. I walked over to her and kneeled down about 10 feet away, she immediately walked out from the gutter and came towards me and hopped onto my finger. I cupped her in my hands and went home immediately. She had been through a heck of a night, lost a lot of feathers, was bruised, but she was finally home.

Do not give up, don’t assume they had been eaten. Our animals are resilient and we can always get them home so long as we keep hope alive.

We are so grateful to have Sapphire safe at home


Présidente Perroquetsecours

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