(May 14.22) found green quaker in Montreal QC *REUNITED*

Messages : 8841
Enregistré le : mar. févr. 02, 2021 7:35 am

(May 14.22) found green quaker in Montreal QC *REUNITED*

Messagepar madugre » dim. mai 15, 2022 8:04 am

Perroquetsecours Wanted Notice

Date : mai 14, 2022
Status : You found a bird
Species : Looks like a Quaker
Bird's name : unknown
Bird's sex : unknown
Flight feathers : not trimmed
Identification : unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics : Green, Grey Breast, some blue in the wings
Province : Québec
Location, Country, City : Montreal,
Street, intersection, area : NDG, Macmahon corner of fielding street
Other informations : My wife heard him in a tree and we were able to coax him down onto my shoulder. We had millet and budgie seed, so he's fed and safe for the moment.
While Me and my wife have some experience with cockatiels and budgies, We can't take care of a Quaker for a long period of time. Anything you can do to help is appreciated.
Contact name : Perroquetsecours
Contact phone : 450-567-8765
Contact email : avisderecherche@perroquetsecours.com
Original Listing URL :
Listing from : our webform
Quote :
Picture or poster :

Note : To ensure the return of this bird to its legitimate owner, we do not publish its picture. Only the owner can describe this bird accurately and specify any distinctive sign.

Perroquetsecours will automatically send to whom it may concern and as soon as possible, all information received as relevant that could lead to the reunion of this bird with its owner. Contact the original listing URL or contact Perroquetsecours at : Avisderecherche@perroquetsecours.com
If this an urgent matter contact : 450-567-8765

Confidential Information :
https://www.perroquetsecours.com/forums ... hp?t=43621

To follow the bird's historic, visit the following URL :
https://www.perroquetsecours.com/forums ... hp?t=43622

The owner offering a reward does on its own initiative. Therefore, Perroquetsecours shall not be held responsible or liable for any payment regarding any reward offered or implied by anyone in any advertisements or articles published on its website or any other partner sites.

Messages : 8841
Enregistré le : mar. févr. 02, 2021 7:35 am

Re: (May 14.22) found green quaker in Montreal QC

Messagepar madugre » dim. mai 15, 2022 8:11 am

Publish confidential information...DONE by Marlene
Publish search notice...DONE by Marlene
Send information request...N/A - Form received
Make poster...DONE by Marlene
Send poster + procedures (email reply)...DONE by Marlene
Publish in the alerts...N/A
Publish in calling on all...N/A
Advise the volunteers...N/A
Published on our partners website...DONE by Marlene
Publish on Facebook...DONE by Marlene
https://www.facebook.com/Perroquet-Seco ... 7322619090
Publish on Twitter...DONE by Marlene
Put poster on WP...N/A
Create poster in AAR...DONE by Marlene
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=82 ... 6497617194
Verify matching birds...DONE by Josée
Advise people concerned by the matchs...DONE by Josée
Verify leg band if applicable...NONE

Messages : 8841
Enregistré le : mar. févr. 02, 2021 7:35 am

Re: (May 14.22) found green quaker in Montreal QC *REUNITED*

Messagepar madugre » dim. mai 15, 2022 10:57 am


Fait par Marlene

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