(06 Juin 2012) volé ARA à Scarborough, ON *RETROUVÉ*

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(06 Juin 2012) volé ARA à Scarborough, ON *RETROUVÉ*

Messagepar Jojo » jeu. juin 07, 2012 9:05 pm

Avis de recherches Perroquetsecours

Date : 06 JUIN 2012
Statut : VOLÉ
Espèce : ARA
Nom oiseau : POLLY
Description : GROS ARA VERT
Ville, Province : SACRBOROUGH, ON
Rues, intersection, secteur : Birchmount Road and Sheppard Avenue East area
Identification :
À contacter : Police de Scarborough, Toronto
Téléphone : 416-808-4800
Lien original : http://www.globaltoronto.com/bird+worth ... story.html
Vu sur : http://www.911parrotalert.com/lost/news ... jun-06-12/
Citation :
Bird worth $4,000 stolen in Scarborough

Scott Money, Global News : Thursday, June 07, 2012 6:26 AM

According to police, someone broke into a house in the Birchmount Road and Sheppard Avenue East area overnight and stole a large green macaw named Polly. Police in Scarborough are on the hunt for a stolen bird Thursday morning.

According to police, someone broke into a house in the Birchmount Road and Sheppard Avenue East area overnight and stole a large green macaw named Polly.

Apparently, the bird – worth about $4,000 – was the target of the break-in, as nothing else was taken.
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Re: (06 Juin 2012) volé ARA à Scarborough, ON

Messagepar Jojo » jeu. juin 07, 2012 9:10 pm

Nous l'avons également publié sur le site de nos partenaires suivants ainsi que sur notre Facebook :

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Re: (06 Juin 2012) volé ARA à Scarborough, ON *RETROUVÉ*

Messagepar Jojo » mer. juin 13, 2012 2:59 pm

Vu sur 911parrotalert : http://www.911parrotalert.com/lost/reun ... jun-06-12/

Parrot birdnapped from Scarborough home reunited with owner

Paulie, the missing macaw, is back home, with only a few ruffled feathers.

The feisty parrot was reunited with owner Georgia Tichy, 58, Monday afternoon after she received a call from Toronto Animal Services at 4:30 p.m. They had found her bird.

“It’s a miracle and I’m thanking God,” said a breathless Tichy from her Scarborough home. “I’m ecstatic, I’m crying, I’m laughing. I keep holding him, (to) make sure that he’s really there.”

Animal services recovered Paulie, missing since last Thursday, near Pottery Rd. and Don Valley Pkwy. Someone had spotted him, and notified the shelter, according to Kim Smithers, a supervisor with Toronto Animal Services.

After receiving a tip Saturday afternoon from a caller who said he saw Paulie near Don Mills Rd. and Overlea Blvd., Tichy searched for her parrot on Saturday and Sunday. She spent hours wandering the area and yelling his name.

But with no sign of Paulie, Tichy started to lose hope.

“I was getting really disheartened, thinking that if it’s really him and he’s out there, there’s no food and water, and the weather getting so hot,” she said. “I was getting really depressed, thinking I (was) never going to see him again.”

For Tichy, who has no children, losing Paulie would be like losing a family member, she said. “He’s like a child.”

Despite his four-day misadventure, Paulie has a clean bill of health, save for a slight case of diarrhea.

“He seems fine. He’s just extremely tired,” Tichy said.

The multicoloured bird went missing after someone broke into Tichy’s home on Sunmount Rd., near Birchmount Rd. and Sheppard Ave. E., around 3:30 a.m. Thursday.

Police have yet to lay charges in the break-and-enter, she said, adding that Paulie is worth an estimated $3,000 to $4,000.
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