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Nail trimming

Posté : mer. juil. 24, 2013 10:50 pm
par Jojo
Nail Trimming
Lisa Keelty
Environmental and Wildlife Technician
AFA Certified Aviculturist

Teaching your bird to accept nail trimming without restraint is not difficult, and can even be a game! Follow the steps below and remove the stress from nail trimming. Patience is the key, take each step carefully and slowly until your bird accepts the behaviour. Begin with food rewards and eventually replace them with attention rewards. Keep training sessions to 5-10 minutes, short and sweet. Once your bird accepts a step fully, continue to the next stage.
Step 1: Gently play with your birds feet and reward him each time he accepts being touched.

Step 2: Take the nail scissors and play with them on the birds feet, gently tapping the toes. Let your bird touch and feel the scissors.

Step 3: Hold the toes out individually and place the tip of the trimmer at the tip of the nail.
Step 4: Gently clip the tip of one nail. Build trust and confidence slowly, do not attempt to clip all nails the first time.

Clippers can be substituted with a dremel if desired but use a high degree of caution operation a rotary tool without restraining the animal. Always have a coagulant on hand in case you accidently clip the vein inside the toe.