An exotic bird found outside certainly belongs to someone. And if it was yours ... wouldn’t you like to get him back ? Here’s a few tips on how to reunite the bird with his real family and how to take care of him meanwhile.
Post-a search on our website at the following link : or write to us at
We will keep private some of your information like the picture of the bird and any revealing details. Also check our database of all the reported lost birds in your area at : viewforum.php?f=7
Offer him bird food specific for the species, fresh fruit, vegetables and water and keep the bird warm. Avoid avocado, chocolate, Teflon pans, candles and plug it in around the bird, it’s toxic for them. If you do not have a cage, a plastic laundry basket perforated placed upside down can be used as a cage and have a towel at the base of it to make the bird comfortable. Make sure the bird's head does not pass between the bars or holes. Also see health, welfare, behavior and diet at: viewforum.php?f=29
Someone is likely looking for him already, so check the sites specialized on birds as well as ad sites like Kijiji and Lespac on the Internet, check local newspapers and pay attention to ads mentioning the loss of a bird in your neighborhood. In most cases, a bird is lost near the place where he was found.
If you think you have found the owner, he will describe it to you in every details, so be careful that the descriptions match the bird. Also check if the bird is banded, it has crucial information about the provenance of the bird, and the owner should be able to give you this information.
Observe its general appearance. If the bird seems sick or injured, it is imperative that he be examined by an avian veterinarian, meanwhile, ask the vet to scann the animal for any microchip, it will help locate the owner! .
Remember that an owner well-intentioned and eager to find his bird will make a point to pay all costs incurred to the person who took care of the bird. The loss of a bird is often caused by a stupid accident, a moment of carelessness, not because someone has opened the door intentionally to get rid of the bird. Its owner must be terribly worried sick about what happened to him.
When you place an ad on kijiji and LesPAC in the section "Wanted Lost / Found", the publication is free. Do not disclose too many details about the bird, just to provide the date, the place where you found him, the species of the bird if you know and how to contact you. In fact, you might be dealing with ill-intentioned people who want to get the bird to resell it. However, the real owner of the bird will be able to describe the peculiarities of the bird such as information written on the ring (if it has one), the colors of its feathers, if the bird talks and what are the specific words or phrases, etc..
The steps you have taken to help this bird and his family will be returned a hundred time !
If however, you cannot keep the bird you found for any reason, contact us at perroquetsecours to :
or at 450-567-8765. We will have the bird staying in one of our foster families while we search for the owner and we will keep you posted.
Copyright 2010
You just found a bird...what to do?
-Que faire? Vous êtes désemparé? Dans cette section, nous tentons de vous guider étape par étape pour vous aider à retrouver votre oiseau. Nous tentons également de vous informer sur les soins de base à apporter à un oiseau trouvé. Vous y trouverez également quelques conseils pour éviter la perte d'un oiseau.
-Unsure about what you should do? In this section, you’ll find advice and a step-by-step guide to help you find your lost bird. You’ll also find information on the basic care of a found bird, as well as some tips on how to avoid losing your bird.
-Unsure about what you should do? In this section, you’ll find advice and a step-by-step guide to help you find your lost bird. You’ll also find information on the basic care of a found bird, as well as some tips on how to avoid losing your bird.
Retourner vers « Vous avez perdu ou trouvé un oiseau (If you find or lose a bird) »
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- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
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- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
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- grandes perruches (ringnecks and other long tail parakeets)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
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- Ontario
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Maritimes
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Provinces des Prairies (Prairie Provinces)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Colombie Britannique (British Columbia)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Nord canadien (Northern territories)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Ailleurs dans le monde (Elsewhere in the world)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Québec (Quebec)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- petites perruches (small budgies)
- grandes perruches (ringnecks and other long tail parakeets)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Ontario
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Maritimes
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Provinces des Prairies (Prairie Provinces)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Colombie Britannique (British Columbia)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Nord canadien (Northern territories)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- pionus
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
- Ailleurs dans le monde (Elsewhere in the world)
- amazones (amazons)
- aras (macaws)
- cacatoès (cockatoos)
- caiques
- cockatiels
- conures (green cheeks, sun conure ect...)
- eclectus
- gris d'Afrique (African greys)
- inséparables (lovebirds)
- loris et loriquets (loris and lorikeets)
- perruches et grandes perruches (parakeets and ringnecks)
- poicephalus (Senegal, jardine, cape, meyer, brown headed ect...)
- pionus
- quakers
- touis (parrotlets and linoleated parakeets)
- autres espèces ou j'ignore l'espèce (others or unknown species)
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